Excess Sweating Treatment

Excessive sweating is a common complaint with a prevalence of between one and three percent in the population. It can be a debilitating condition and is known as Hyperhydrosis.

There are many causes including drugs, endocrine issues, infections, nervous system injuries or defects, and malignancy, so a doctor’s opinion is always valuable, but most cases are simply due to the overactivity of sweat glands.

Severe hyperhidrosis can lead to a skin disorder known as hydradenitis suppurativa, which occurs in about 1% of the population.

It causes painful nodules in the axilla or groin which may rupture and even cause sinus tracts and scarring in these areas.

The first course of action is to find and treat any associated underlying cause.

If there is no medical reason for the excess sweating then the sufferer can use medical-strength antiperspirants and deodorants and other methods to minimise the inconvenience, including avoiding foods and situations that make it worse.

There are a number of oral medications that can help to reduce sweating and also a noninvasive treatment called Iontophoresis.

Microwave energy can be used to destroy the sweat glands but surgery is generally reserved for patients for whom conservative therapy has failed.

Sometimes the problem is sufficiently severe to justify surgery but there are other far

less drastic options for treatment available from our doctors at Restoration Clinic.

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