Lip Fillers Perth

Augmentation and Reshaping

Lip augmentation with dermal filler has become a highly popular treatment for women across all age groups. Popularised by celebrities and images on Instagram, full, voluminous lips are perceived to add another dimension of youthful sensuality and vivaciousness to your appearance.

But what if you don’t want the trout pout or big fat lips? The advantage of a dermal filler is that it can be used for lip rejuvenation in addition to enhancement.

Lip Fillers & Injections

As we age, our lips lose volume, definition, and projection and start to develop lines (both on the lips and around the mouth). Lip injections can reverse age-related deflation and restore your mouth to how it looked when you were younger and can be done to restore rather than augment or to augment slowly or minimally and correct the change that has occurred over time without creating an unnatural look.  From injecting skin boosters over the surface of dry lips to stop them from being flaky, to sharping up a lip border that has lost volume, or plumping out the front of the lips to return the youthful dome they used to have, there are many ways to treat the lips.

At Restoration Clinic we offer many different approaches to lips.  Injecting dermal filler into the vermilion border of the lip (the line along the edge of the red bit) will give projection and sharpening of the edge.  For some people, this is fabulous and gives a luscious youthful look, but for others, this approach would simply make their lips project forward and look unnatural.  Injecting dermal filler in strips going from the line where the lips meet to the border of the lips can cause the lip to flip outwards without making it poke forwards.  Some people call this the Russian Lip, but there are many names for it.  Injecting dermal filler in a lake over the surface of the “pillows” of the lips gives a voluptuous delicate fullness to the lips without changing the actual outline, and this is an excellent approach for people who already have a sharp border and good shape but want more volume.  Every lip is different and the choice of dermal filler and the way it is injected depends on what look you would like to achieve and what anatomy you are starting with.

Lip injections are definitely not about the volume of filler injected, and sometimes less is more. In other cases, it is not even the lip that needs treating to achieve the look you want.  The volume injected into your lips can be exactly the amount you need and not rounded up or down to a standard dose.  You will be surprised at how far a small amount of filler can go in the hands of our experienced doctors.  Dr Hoffman started in Cosmetic Medicine in 1994 and lip injections were her very first procedure!

So it is extremely important to think carefully about what you would like to change about your lips, and if you need to change them at all.  It is important to choose a doctor who has extensive experience in injecting lips, and if in doubt, to proceed slowly with small doses at a time.  The lip is extremely vascular and blocking blood vessels is a risk so it is also important to be injected by someone who knows their anatomy.

Restoration Clinic has been offering lip augmentation services since last century and has investigated and adopted the many advances since that time. We can help you achieve lip symmetry, lip augmentation, lip shape change, or simply make your lips look a little more hydrated.  

How can lip injections help me?

Our goal at Restoration Clinic is to give you a beautiful-looking mouth that suits your face and desired look. Creating lips that look natural yet stand out is our area of expertise. We can enhance the lip shape you currently have or change it slightly in order to correct an asymmetry and create a more aesthetically pleasing proportion.

A common issue that many of our patients experience is having an upper lip that’s thinner than the bottom one. To address this concern, we can even out the proportions by adding more volume at the top. We can also improve lip definition across the Vermilion border and give the Cupid’s bow more prominence and outward projection. And then there’s enhancement of the lower lip for a really sensuous look. Find out how having lip enhancements in Perth can boost your appearance and self-confidence.


  • Because the top lip is very sensitive, when the border or the lines above the top lip, often called smokers’ lines, or the “barcode” are injected, a nerve block can make the whole top lip numb. The nerve block takes around half an hour to wear off and tends to make your lip feel fat but allows for a comfortable procedure.

    If only the vermilion of the lip or the lower lip is to be injected topical local anaesthetic cream or ice is often adequate to make the procedure comfortable. It is also possible to do nerve blocks for the lower lip so whatever level of pain control you require to have you lips injected can be done at Restoration Clinic.

    Once the area is numb the dermal filler is delivered to the lips via a tiny needle which often doesn’t even leave a mark. The number of needle pricks needed for any given treatment will depend on how much volume is to be added, how easily the filler spreads, which grade of filler is chosen, whether asymmetry is being corrected and other factors, but the discomfort can be minimized.

    Afterwards you need to keep your lips clean and treat them gently for a while.

  • We will make sure you’re as comfortable as possible during your visit by administering either topical or injectable anaesthetic. Additionally, the lip fillers contain a local anaesthetic that freezes the surrounding tissue as it’s being injected, adding another level of pain relief.

    After your treatment, your lips may be a little swollen. The swelling normally subsides within 48 hours at which point you’ll be able to see the final augmentation results. Bruising of the lips is very rare at our clinic. However, if you have a special occasion planned, it’s recommended to schedule your appointment at least 2-4 weeks in advance.

    To ensure the highest levels of safety and the most aesthetically pleasing outcomes, the person performing your lip injections in Mt Hawthorn should be an experienced and qualified medical professional. There are many clinics that perform lip injections in Perth; however, our experienced clinicians understand facial anatomy and how to give you the most beautiful and natural-looking lips possible.

    Keep in mind that resorbable lip fillers can be easily dissolved with an enzyme. In the event that you’re not happy with the results or your doctor needs to reverse your lip filler for any reason, the dissolving agent is always available on hand.

  • At Restoration Clinic, our philosophy is “less is more.” Going from small to voluminous lips cannot always be achieved in one appointment. We’d rather start with one or two syringes during your first visit and administer additional lip injections over several sessions. This will give your lips time to get adjusted and be able to accommodate more filler. If you don’t want your lip augmentation to be obvious to everyone around you, then slowly building volume over time is a good strategy.

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